I found it very surprising that
there was a huge amount of technology in this school, it seems very well
equipped, which I think is not the case in every Primary School (2005, More
than words 2). I am a bit worried about the children’s skills in filming and
animating since they are only 5. But to help the children get the most of it
they are working in small groups so that we have a chance to assist them as
much as needed (2012, The Impact
of Digital Technology on Learning).
I am a bit challenged with the
time frame, as my general experience tells me that when you are working with
technology and children it can take more time than planned. We only have 2 * 45
min to do 2 pages of a multi modal book. If we had had a week we could have
engaged the group to cooperate as a team on deciding what to represent on the
pages (Evans, 2008). But since we do not have the time, it is important that we
have a clear plan made in the group before entering school.
Since I am afraid that my own
skills on the iPad could be weak I will have to test all the Apps that we will
use. That must be important for a more effective teaching. This is also one of
the things that concern me about using technology in the classroom. It is
constantly changing (Walsh,2010) and you need to be up to date with the newest
technology all the time. Most apps and programs I have been tought those last
months are all new to me. The ones we use in Denmark are different ones. So I
am excited to go into school next week and see how the output will be.
(2005) More than words 2:
Creating Stories on page and screen. London:
School of Education. (The Impact of Digital Technology on Learning) [pdf]
Durham University: Education Endowment Foundation. Available at http://learn2.winchester.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/286045/mod_resource/content/1/Higgins%20et%20al%20Impact%20of%20Digital%20Technology%20on%20Learning.pdf [Accessed 22 March 2014].
A.E.. (2008) 'The joys of text' Think, educate, svare [Online] 1, (1) 1.
Available at http://www.tes.co.uk/article.aspx?storycode=394636 [Accessed 22 March 2014
(2010) Australien journal of language and literacy. Vol 33 no.3 pp.211-239
As we were only given a short amount of time to practise using the apps, I was also worried about trying to teach children about the app. However, I found myself learning alongside the children which made the experience much more enjoyable.